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The school's "September 26 World Contraception Day" peer education activities in 2021 were successfully concluded
2021-09-27 15:12  

September 26, 2021 marks the 15th World Contraception Day,In order to improve our school students scientific contraceptive awareness,Pass on contraceptive information,To encourage students to make responsible choices about their sexuality and reproductive health,Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Student Affairs from September 24 to 26,10 "September 26 World Contraception Day" peer education activities were held across the school。

The event was divided into two parts。

The first part is activity discussion。On the occasion of the 15th "World Contraception Day", the Psychological counseling Center conducted a discussion on "September 26 World Contraception Day" for the Youth and Health Peer Society and the Heart Message group。At the seminar, Ms. Zhang Fuxu led the Youth Health Companion Club and the Heart Speech propaganda group to determine the activity process, and designed the PPT and publicity knowledge manuscript needed for the activity。In order to ensure that the activity can be carried out smoothly, He Siyuan guided the team members to carry out operational exercises on the site。

The second part is "World Contraception Day" peer education activities。From September 24 to 26, the Youth Health Peer Association of our school, together with the Heart Message Group, carried out 10 peer education activities of "World Contraception Day" in the whole school。The activity is divided into four links: team icebreaking integration, knowledge popularization of unintended pregnancy, effective scientific contraceptive methods, and knowledge promotion of "anti-AIDS"。The students actively participated in the discussion, and had a deeper understanding of the relevant knowledge of youth reproductive health, which triggered the students' in-depth thinking and strong resonance。

The development of this activity can make students realize the importance of sex education, can really pay attention to the topic of World Contraception Day, and play a positive role in training students to strengthen self-care, develop a healthy lifestyle, and create a healthy and harmonious campus。


Activity site 1

Event site 2


 Activity site 3

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012